Bitefirst - What we do

BiteFirst designs and builds systems for charities/non-profit, small and medium size organisations in London and Norfolk.

A primary focus on bespoke design and development of secure database driven WEB (Rails, Python, React, PostgreSQL) based applications to support back office business functions such as large volume simulations, billing, recruitment, reporting and database analysis.

Applications typically comprise: workflow, automated email generation, document generation, reporting, accessing data via APIs such as Google, SharePoint, NHS etc. User groups would have secure access to data based on privilege to maximise self help and minimise admin intervention.

Cloud based solutions that are secure, fast and accessible from PCs, Tablets or Smartphones. 

Recent Projects

Database Applications (registration, forms, complex validation, automated flow, APIs and administration) for joining medical studies, requesting research data and phenotype management for TwinksUK / Kings College London

Virus gene simulation for vaccine design and analysis using netMHCpan4.1 results showing virus/HLA interaction for IAVI / Imperial. Bootstrap, Ruby Rails, Python & PostgreSQL integration on Ubuntu.

Database ETL and Reports work in SQL Server, Snowflake, Python, Google APIs & PostgreSQL at ParkinsonsUK

If you have a current or potential business need for a WEB based system, advice is free, just make contact via email.

Finance & Recruitment

Recruitment solution in London with both a public WEB site and a back-office solution to manage the recruitment process (client data, jobs, candidate data, adverts, payments etc).

Accounting system to support debt management process (data mining of billing systems, ETL, invoice production, workflow, letter production, court summons production, reporting etc.).

TwinsUK Research

Design and developed 3 systems for TwinsUK research (Kings College London) for the registration of twins for medical studies, storage of clinical results data and onward dissemination for research. (Rails, Python, Pandas, PostgreSQL, APIs)

News: Security

Headless Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless

Headless Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless

Project demonstrating cheap (Raspberry Pi Zero - tiny Unix server ) hardware and P4wnPi (with bespoke Python enhancements) can remotely obtain passwords from a PC, Chrome and IE. For a few pounds of hardware and a few seconds access to your home or office, someone can readily steal your passwords. Escort guests in your office and buy a good Password Manager! Created as part of Information Security MSc at Royal Holloway (software security).

News: SARS-CoV-2 and HIV Vaccine Papers Published

SARS-CoV-2 Paper "Sampling SARS-CoV-2 proteomes for predicted CD8 T-cell epitopes as a tool for understanding immunogenic breadth and rationale vaccine design " published with IAVI (Imperial University)

Utilizing Computational Machine Learning Tools to Understand Immunogenic Breadth in the Context of a CD8 T-Cell Mediated HIV Response." (see paper).

Bulk Gene Sequence Formatting, Modelling (NetMHCpan-4.1) & Data Management

Have infrastructure and skills to prepare (Python / Biopython), process (Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS) and manage (PostgreSQL) the results for large scale NetMHCpan-4.1 gene sequence simulations (e.g., 1000s of sequences, multiple HLA, billions of results in databases). Recent small tasks have included python scripts to identify potential epitope mutations, re-format gene sequences, NetMHCpan runs across multiple servers to identify potential epitopes (Vaccine research) for Chikungunya Virus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

Pro bono work undertaken.  

News: Refresh SortYourHelp Website

SortYourHelp (Photo by Millie Pilkington)

SortYourHelp (Photo by Millie Pilkington)

Having built a secure recruitment system (job adverts, forms etc.) for SortYourHelp long ago, a complete refresh of the site is now complete....and the pram make it looks older!

News: Kiki's Clinic site launched

Kiki’s Childrens’ Clinic, based in South London, offers Paediatric Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy.  The mobile friendly site was quickly built using SiteInABox to provide the information mobile users require (location, therapies, contact details) and a richer experience (larger feature pictures) to desktop/PC users.